Monday, December 9, 2019

What a day (And it's just the beginning)

This morning I forgot to bet on my own team (Houston Rockets) losing. I do that all the time, so that I won't feel like crap when Rockets loses. Amazingly they lost to Kings! wtf seriously.

I should've win some good amount of money from this but fml I totally forgot bout this game today.

And about my work. Seriously I can't believe there are so many people with no dentures in this goddamn island. I can't even finish one without 3 new dentures coming in.

And by the way! I was told by my 7 years girlfriend that she can't see a future with me anymore. So wtf am I suppose to do now?

I've never felt so lost and lonely in my life before. Like I couldn't tell this to anyone cause we have the image of a "perfect couple" to show, and I can't complain to her cause let's be honest here, when the girl doesn't love you anymore, why would she fcuking care about what you have to say anyway.

I need a holiday.. from this fcuking life. Nothing to look forward to every day, no love, no friends, only work work work and being in debt. I will now go and fcuk myself 🖕

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Alright alright alright

Finally some happy times! After 2 weeks and lots of money, my PS4 PRO has returned to me!

Unrelated picture

In fact, after changing the motherboard, the fan on my console doesn't sound like jet engine anymore! I can finally play in peace (for now -"-).

Btw if there's any random person reading this who owns a PS4 and really into NBA2k20, please add me! I've been looking for a gaming partner for a long time now and none of my real life friends are into basketball...

My ign is "likealostghost" 😐